Process Transformation

A significant focus of corporate activity has been in business processes. Data, analytics, APIs, machine learning and other technologies offer corporations valuable new ways to reinvent processes throughout the corporation—with the goal of lowering costs, reducing cycle times, or increasing quality.Process transformation can create significant value and adopting technology in these areas is fast becoming table-stakes. Because these transformations tend to be focused efforts around specific areas of the business, they are often successfully led by a CIO or CDO.

  • Data Analytics
  • APIs
  • Machine Learning
  • Big Data
  • Lead by CIO

Business Transformation

Some companies are pursuing digital technologies to transform traditional business models. Whereas process transformation focuses on finite areas of the business, business model transformations are aimed at the fundamental building blocks of how value is delivered in the industry. The complex and strategic nature of these opportunities require involvement and leadership by Strategy and/or Business Units and they are often launched as separate initiatives while continuing to operate the traditional business. By changing the fundamental building blocks of value, corporations that achieve business model transformation open significant new opportunities for growth.

  • Successful Examples
  • Netflix
  • Fujifilm
  • Home Depot

Domain Transformation

An area where we see enormous opportunity is the area of domain transformation. New technologies are redefining products and services, blurring industry boundaries and creating entirely new sets of non-traditional competitors. What many executives don’t appreciate is the very real opportunity for these new technologies to unlock wholly new businesses for their companies beyond currently served markets. And often, it is this type of transformation is that offers the greatest opportunities to create new value. It may be tempting for Executives of non-tech businesses to view the experience of Amazon or other digitally-native companies (such as Apple or Google that have also expanded into new domains) as special; their ability to acquire and leverage technology may be greater than other companies. But in today’s digital world, technology gaps are no longer a barrier. Any company can access and acquire the new technologies needed to unlock new growth—and do so cheaply and efficiently. The building block technologies that are unlocking new business domains (artificial intelligence, machine learning, internet of things (IOT), augmented reality, etc.) can be sourced today not only from the traditional IT supply-base like Microsoft or IBM but also from a growing startup ecosystem, where we see the greatest innovation taking place. Corporations that know how to reach and leverage this innovation efficiently, particularly from new sources, are reaping the benefits of new growth.

  • Netflix
  • Apple
  • Google

Culture Transformation

Full, long-term digital transformation requires redefining organizational mindsets, processes, and talent & capabilities for the digital world. Best-in-class corporations recognize digital requires agile workflows, a bias toward testing and learning, decentralized decision-making, and a greater reliance on business ecosystems. And they take active steps to bring change to their organizations. Our team of experts not only affect technology changes but help to drive a culture of innovation by shifting company values to focus on new ways of doing business.

  • Customer-Centric
  • Culture of Innovation
// Our Methodology

We Organize Our
Production Process

We start each project with a discovery phase. This stage is all about defining scope, vision, and logistics so that we can gain a deeper understanding of your project requirements. We work closely with you because it’s important to us that your entire team feels valued and involved. Our discussions and your feedback will help identify resources, milestones, benchmarks, timeline, and agreed-upon deliverables. We use a flexible project management approach so that if any shifts occur during the project, schedules can be adjusted accordingly.

Information gathered during the discovery phase is used to inform the creative direction of the project. We work closely with you to ensure that the overall tone (user interface, visual content, hierarchy, etc.) matches your desired outcome. With this in mind, we explore potential solutions and prepare interactive design prototypes that will allow us to forge full-steam ahead. All of our designs are created with a fully responsive delivery in mind, ensuring they will translate effectively across all viewing devices. Naturally, concepts evolve over the course of the design phase based on your feedback.

This is the phase where our design concepts and solutions come to life. By taking the information collected in the discovery phase and testing concepts in the design phase, we are now ready for (what we like to call) the fun part. Our development team builds out all of the elements making up your project. Each project is coded to meet all technical guidelines and our own high standards. During the development, we ensure that users can access pertinent information and perform critical dependent tasks. And, of course, during the process our project managers are keeping you informed and up-to-date on the progress of your team.

This is the final phase of the project, where your project goes through quality assurance, user testing and finally, launch. We’re committed to ensuring that our solution perfectly aligns with your goals and meets our own standard of excellence. A truly great digital solution requires your ongoing attention, content, and care. Our main commitment is to form long-term relationships with the clients we serve. After we hand over the deliverables, we are only a phone call away to answer any question you might have.

// We are here to help